22 Days Later

Where did May go?!  I mean seriously, where in the world did the month of May go?!  I cannot believe that it has 3 weeks since my last post.  I must do better.  In the words of my boss' wife, "Be better and you'll do better."  

This last month has been a whirlwind of "Look at God!" moments, paired with, "Oh my gosh, my family is relocating in a couple of months, do we have our ducks in a row?!"  So please forgive me.  Or don't.  It's okay. 

So, in an effort to support my husband, and muster up some sense of self-discipline, I've decided to implement a D.E.A.R. time in our household.  Do you remember D.E.A.R?  It was the BEST time of the day during my formative years.  For all of those poor, unfortunate souls who didn't get to experience its awesomeness, D.E.A.R stands for: "Drop Everything and Read."  It's a time when, you guessed it, drop everything and read.  I gave the Petty family an hour each night.  

So far, my husband is winning.  

I WILL complete "The Warmth of Other Suns" by the end of June.  It's really good, and I can't wait to blog about it either on this blog or in my head!

We'll see.

Ain't That Funny?!

*cues J. Lo circa 2004.  Excuse me while I grab my shades and huge glasses*

I have a story to tell....

So, here I am sitting at my desk and reading blogs, when I should actually be helping students, when I see this headline: "Shonda Rhimes and Dee Rees Tapped to Produce New Series Based on 'The Warmth of Other Suns'".  This means nothing to you now, but by the end of this post, you'll know why I'm saying:

"Look at God!"

"The Warmth of Other Suns" is a book that came out a few years ago, and brings us tales of The Great Migration.  When it was released, Chicago Public Library held an event that I attended.  The event was fun, full of fanfare, and I knew the book would be equally as awesome, but I didn't check it out.  

I know, I know, but before you decide to take my Black card and/or my bibliophile (that's such a chic word) card, let me explain!  

I'm incredibly interested in these stories, and the topic, but I was beginning graduate school, and just knew I wouldn't have time to read for fun.  Because Grad School.  

Cut to last Saturday (my birthday, woot woot), family, mimosa-filled me and Barnes and Noble.  While looking for books, I came across "The Warmth of Other Suns" and thought, "Hey, maybe it's about time I actually pick this up and read it!"  So I bought it.

Look at God.

Okay so, God knew that this brilliant piece of literature was coming to the small screen, knew I'd be watching, and put it on my heart to purchase it on my birthday.  #signsarereal  

Happy 28th birthday to me! 

I absolutely can not wait to finish reading this book, review it (I haven't done one of those since January), and sit in front of my tv to see what amazing-ness Shonda and Dee Rees will gift me.  

Stay tuned!  This is a larger book, so I PROMISE I will give updates as I read.  Sorry to those other two books, but you've been moved to the back for a moment.