...and just like that, February is over.

Well, almost.   I mean, March is still a few days away, but it's a FEW DAYS AWAY!  With everything that I have to do between now and then, I am not going to be able to complete "Bad Feminist."

I know, I know.  Bring on the tomatoes.

I'm not even going to try to make excuses because excuses are tools of the....you know what, I'm not going there.  

So to punish myself, I am not going to watch tv in the evenings so that I can read and also finish this baby blanket that should have been finished ages ago!  I mean really, the baby I'm making it for will be too big for it before I get the opportunity to finish it!  I'm slacking. 

Oh, but never fear!  I will still have a book for March, and the review of "Bad Feminist" will be nothing short of epic since that's one word to describe Roxane Gay's book: epic.  I must give it its due.

As for now, back to work.