Audible Dropout...

For the past few months, I have had an account with  Although I'm not an auditory learner, I assumed this would help me continue consuming books for leisure, and decided to give it a shot.

After $21, 6 books, only 2 likes, and countless hours of my day spent searching for the book, I have decided to pass.  I just thought they would be more entertaining.  I assumed the books, especially novels, would be acted out instead of just read.  I tried listening to books that couldn't keep my attention on paper, memoirs, novels, essays, you name it, but nothing worked!  Hillary Rodham Clinton and Tina Fey were the only two who could hold my attention, and HRC's book was over 20 hours long!  Proving either I'm a glutton for punishment, or I really enjoy books on foreign policy.  I like to think I'm somewhere in between.     

Sorry Audible, I tried.  And failed.  Hard.

Then again, my mind changes like the wind, so perhaps I will find the book, or the book will find me...until then, I will continue to let my podcasts, Pandora, and Netflix get me through my workday.   

February, it's only 3 weeks away!

It's never too soon to plan for the future right?  

I'm still not finished with January's "Fire Shut Up in My Bones," and my goal is to complete it this weekend, but I need to start thinking about what I will read next month.  

I'm one of those people who likes themes, so I'm basing my decision on February's theme.  The question is: Which theme should I choose?  Should I go with Black History Month, Love and Romance, or Feminism (I'll explain later)?

Black History Month Picks: 

  • "A Chosen Exile" by Allyson Hobbs
  • "Bad Feminist" by Roxane Gay 

Feminism.  I chose feminism because Feminism and February both begin with the letter f.  Does it work?  Yes.

  • "Bad Feminist"
  • "An Untamed State" by Roxane Gay

Oddly enough, I don't have any picks at all for the love and romance category.  This bothers me because I fancy myself a full-on romantic.  Perhaps one of my many readers (insert sarcasm here) has suggestions?  

Or should I save Feminism for March?  

Let the indecisiveness set in!!! Hey, at least I'm consistent.  


Happy reading!  


So, here I am, sitting at my cubicle, crafting what could either be the best decision of my life or a waste of $120.  Only time will tell.  

My challenge between now and Thursday is to find a book that I want to read for January.  The issue with that though is that I'm the kind of person who can really get lost in a book store, physical or online, and/or library.  Instead of just picking one title, rocking with it, and moving on, I agonize over the decision, and before I know it, I've spent no less than 2 hours with nothing to show for it.  

Wish me luck!